Novoste™ Beta-Cath™ 3.5F System

NEW: ß-Rail™ 3.5F Delivery Catheter
- Smallest Profile Vascular Brachytherapy catheter available
- Developed to maximize lesion access and minimize flow restriction
- Over 50,000 In-Stent Restenosis patients have been treated with a Novoste™ Beta-Cath™ System

Beta-Cath™ 3.5F System
Beta-Cath™ 3.5F Brochure (4-pager)
3.5F Brochure (8-pager, with other TeamBest™ product ads)
B-Rail™ 3.5F Delivery Catheter Marker Positions
Beta-Cath™ 3.5F Case Studies
Central Baptist Hospital Experience
Carolinas Heart Institute Experience
Site Experiences